Learn About EN812

EN812 is a standard developed by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) that specifies the requirements for industrial bump caps used to protect against head injuries caused by impacts with stationary objects. These bump caps are typically used in environments where there is a risk of head injuries but not severe enough to warrant the use of a full safety helmet.

Key Points of EN812:

  1. Scope: EN812 covers bump caps used in various industrial and occupational settings.
  2. Protection Level: Bump caps designed under this standard are intended to provide protection against minor impacts and scrapes, not against falling objects or heavy impacts.
  3. Design and Construction: The standard specifies the materials, construction, and design features that bump caps must have to ensure adequate protection and comfort.
  4. Performance Requirements: This includes impact resistance, penetration resistance, and other relevant performance metrics.
  5. Testing Methods: EN812 outlines the testing procedures to be followed to ensure that bump caps meet the required performance criteria.
  6. Marking and Information: Bump caps must be clearly marked with relevant information, including the manufacturer’s details, size, and the standard number (EN812). Additionally, user information and instructions for proper use and maintenance must be provided.

If you need more specific details about EN812 or have any other questions, feel free to ask SINOMOX at

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